June 20, 2009 at Freedom Park
This will be my 6th year "Relaying". I really became passionate about Relay after seeing firsthand what this undiscriminating disease can do. I watched helplessly as my cousin was diagnosed, treated and finally succumbed all under a year's time. I swore then that I would help to make a difference. That is why I Relay.
More and more cancer has become a part of my life. My uncle was diagnosed and treated for bladder cancer and my cousin was diagnosed and treated with colon cancer. Both are doing well. My Aunt passed away from pancreatic cancer. 2008 was a particularly difficult year. A good friend of my Dad and the Mom of a really good friend of mine were diagnosed with lung cancer and both passed away very soon afterwards. In July, My Mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She has had chemo treatments, surgery and is scheduled for more chemo. She is doing well and her doctors are very happy with how she has responded to treatment. She was diagnosed fairly early and has an incredible attitude which is key! I now know and really appreciate what it means to be a care giver!
I not only "RELAY" to raise money but to raise AWARENESS! I just listed five different forms of cancer. It doesn't discriminate. Cancer doesn't care about age, race or gender. We need to be vigilant. We need to go to our doctors for check-ups. Get your mammogram, colonoscopy, CA-125 Blood test. Don't bury your head in the sand and think this won't happen to me or my loved ones because it can. EARLY DETECTION IS KEY!!!
Please make a donation to me or join my team. http://main.acsevents.org/goto/SamKahuila09
You are helping deliver the hope that future generations will not have to endure cancer threatening the lives of their friends and family. Like me, you have the power to fight back against a disease that affects millions.
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